The One (Allah) Who swears (in the Qur'an) by at- Tur (the Mount)
And on him besides whom none remained truer - that is Prophet Muhammad
Salawat - invoking Allah to grant peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad
Hudur - presence (of body, mind, and heart)
Naf`an Allahu bih - may Allah spread his benefit
Suhur - of the dawn
Safiyya - daughter of the great Imam Tahir ibn Umar al- Haddad (Rady Allahu `Anhum)
Shaykh - spiritual guide, spiritual master
Sudur - breasts, chests (hearts)
Murshid al- Kamil - the accomplished spiritual guide
Awliya - friends (of Allah), saints
Sunnah - the pattern of life of the Prophet Muhammad comprising of what he said, did or approved of
Al- Mustafa - the Chosen one (that is Prophet Muhammad)
As- Sayyid - a title for someone who is a descendent of Prophet Muhammad
Renewer - Mujaddid (in Arabic)
Nur - spiritual light
Qutbud- Da'wa - Pillar of Calling (others to Allah)
Surur - joy, pleasure, exhilaration
The Shahada - the profession of faith, bearing witness, Muslim testimony of faith, the Declaration that no one is worthy of worship except Allāh and that Sayyidinā Muhammad is His Prophetic Messenger.
`Arif Billah - knower of Allah, gnostic
Hajj mabrur - an accepted Pilgrimage to Makkah
Bakhur - typically they are scented chips that are burned producing a sweet- smelling smoke
Ma'la - the well- known cemetery in Makkah where al- Habib Ahmad Mash- hur was laid to rest
Qubur - graves
Lady Khadija (radiyallahu 'anha - may Allah be pleased with her) - name of Prophet Muhammad's first wife. She was the first person to accept Islam and is one of the four greatest women in the whole of human history. Her last resting place is the Ma'la cemetery in Makkah.
Ya Rahmanu - O The Beneficent (Allah)
Ya Shakur - O The Appreciative (Allah)
Sur - the Trumpet to be blown on the Day of Judgment by the Angel Israfil (peace be upon him), to herald it
Yawmin- Nushur - Day of the Return (i.e. The Day of Judgement)
Ya Rahimu - O The Merciful (Allah)
Ya Ghafur - O The Forgiving (Allah)
Dunya - this world, worldly affairs
Bi jahir- Rasul wa Ahmad Mash- hur - 'by the lofty rank of the Prophetic Messenger (Muhammad) and Ahmad Mash-hur' (Rady Allahu 'Anhu - may Allah be pleased with him)